
Gym Choosing In 3 Steps

What gets you fired up when heading to the gym? What fuels your passion for training and allows you to go above and beyond with your efforts each day you tackle the weights? There are many different motivating factors that contribute to your level of energy and determination for crushing your workouts and the steps you take to draw energy from those sources is incredibly important.

One other aspect involved in your level of excitement for training is the environment you choose to work in. What is the atmosphere at your gym like? Does it inspire you to be better? Are you challenged by what you see? Does it contain all that you need to ensure success?

These are very important questions that need answers and if you find that you aren’t particularly liking the answers you’re coming up with, then it’s time to find a new place to train and the following is what you should be looking for at your new gym.

Like-Minded Gym Individuals

Who you train with and who you train around plays a very big role in your overall success in the gym. Each workout needs to be an achievement and a task that needs to be conquered. If you’re the only one in your gym who approaches your workout as such, then you will quickly find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation. If banging weights and deadlift platforms are in your arsenal and plan of attack yet you’re the only one there who seems to be doing this, then it’s time to move on.

Go find a place where others just like you dwell. People who have actual goals, who have timelines, who are getting ready for competition or people who are just dead set on being better. A gym that contains these types of patrons is where you’ll want to be and where you’ll want to stay.

Equipment Needs

Not all gyms are equipped the same. Not all have ownership who pay particular attention to the needs of their members and not all have the necessary space to include the pieces of equipment that you want to train on. What yours has to offer by way of the free weights, machines and cardio stations that are there really does have a significant impact on the feel for the place.

You want top-of-the-line quality equipment, a nice mix of old and new, a great selection for each body part and enough room to do all of the other accessory stuff that’s involved in a great training program. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, a crossfitter or someone who does a little of everything, the gym you train at must have your needs covered in order for you to enjoy success.


The final and perhaps most important component a gym needs to offer you is accessibility. If where you want to train at is too far away, then you’re going to run into problems. If where you want to train at has limited hours of operation, then sometimes that won’t be conducive to your schedule. If your gym constantly has broken equipment that never seems to get repaired, then that poses issues with an interference in your programming.

Sometimes you don’t really think about these things when it comes to the gym you decide to train at but at some point or another, you’ll experience any one of these problems. Just make sure the gym you settle in at provides you the type of accessibility you want and need at all times.

If you haven’t quite noticed yet, Brickhouse has all of this covered. We have an amazing mix of members who have varying goals to complement anyone choosing to train here. We also have the best equipment and set up you will find with a broad selection of machines, free weights and space all designed to meet the needs of all our members.

You also get 24/7 access to it all year long. What can be better than that for accessibility? If you aren’t a member yet, then why aren’t you? Come to Brickhouse Gym to see what it’s all about and to sign your membership card on the spot. We’re here, why aren’t you?

Author: Dana Bushell

Gym Star Team Member