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Controlling Variables and Setting High Standards

Bodybuilders are creatures of habit and as such, have an innate desire to be able to establish and maintain controlling variables that exist within this lifestyle. When you have a firm grip on all facets of the bodybuilding pursuit, have educated yourself as best you can, have deemed what’s necessary for continued growth to occur and have laid the groundwork for what’s next, the only component left in question are your standards.

When you aim high and set your sights on ambitious goals that at first seem unlikely, what you end up with are a set of standards for which you have to hold yourself accountable to no matter how lofty these standards are (the higher the better by the way).

A program worth following is a program that allows you to controlling variables that exist in bodybuilding and one that allows growth in your goals. To be the best you have to be better than what the best are doing and it all starts with your control and the standards you set for yourself.

Controlling Variables

A six-time Mr. Olympia champion once told me that the single most important variable you have at your disposal when you are training, that you are in complete control of, is your intensity. Controlling variables is the only limiting factor you have in your assault against the weights. Learn how to improve your intensity, learn how to harness it and engage it at will and everything from that point on gets that much better when you train. Another important variable that you are also in complete control of is your knowledge.

Once you decide to become a student of the bodybuilding game and work on improving that knowledge base, a wealth of information becomes available to you if you are paying attention and willing to learn. Knowledge truly is power and the more you know, the more you grow. Finally, controlling variables that often sets us apart from the masses in our pursuit is how much effort we’re actually willing to put into this whole thing.

You can go at it half-heartedly and get decent results or you can put all of your efforts into it and allow your genetic potential to come shining through. Again that decision is up to you but a variable you have complete control over. There are of course other controlling variables such as your style of training, how much food you need, how much rest is necessary for recovery and growth and so forth, but none more important than the big three mentioned first.

Setting High Standards

When it comes right down to it, how you proceed with your actions will be the caveat to your success or your failures. If you are going to do something and put an enormous amount of effort into it and spend an incredible amount of time trying to achieve your goals, then in order to ensure success you have to set your standards, for what is acceptable in your pursuit, very high.

What that means is you look for the best of what’s out there and settle for nothing less. If you want to be as healthy as you possibly can while pursuing this lifestyle, then you only consume the best sources of food available to you and supplement with the highest grade, purest and most natural products out there.

If you want to look your best while you train, then you only reach out to Gym Star Apparel for all of your clothing and accessory needs. If you want the best training experience possible, you get a membership at a gym that provides an atmosphere conducive to your goals such as Brickhouse Gym. Why settle for less when you don’t have to?

If you’re always opting out for the cheaper deal or always looking for second best, then all you’ll get is second tier results. You owe it to yourself to be your best and that all starts with setting high standards that you can and will follow.

Regardless of where you’re at with your bodybuilding and training journey, there is always more to learn, always ways to improve and lots of different approaches you can try to get just a little bit better. If you can continue controlling what you’re already great at, improve upon the variables that you’re having difficulty with and aim for impeccable standards with a little bit of perfection sprinkled in there, you will open yourself up to an entirely new level of thought and growth which as a bodybuilder is exactly what we’re trying to make habitual for ourselves.

Author: Dana Bushell

Gym Star Team Member

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